You can join us in three ways:

Join us in Person! Prayerfully consider joining one of our short term ministry trips to beautiful Ethiopia. You may join a team already traveling to Ethiopia, or gather a team to work together on a specific ministry. Teams are usually away from the US for 12-15 days. It takes 1-3 days to travel to Ethiopia and another 1-2 for travel home. This leaves 10+ days on the ground in country. While in Ethiopia we may visit orphanages, schools, and homes for boys and girls who previously lived on the street, volunteer at sponsorship programs, schools, and churches, participate in building, service, and education projects, sample ethnic foods, enjoy sightseeing and shopping, but most importantly we will serve and love our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia. Teams can be as small as 4 or as large as 8. The cost for each team member is $3,000 which covers everything except personal spending money. We currently have teams traveling in late fall and mid spring each year. We look forward to you joining us!

Join us in Prayer! As our ministries grow and develop we desperately seek prayer partners who will daily lift us up to the Lord.
Please pray…
- for us to follow the guidance of the Lord in all areas of ministry
- for peace as we move forward.
- for safety for all those traveling to and from Ethiopia.
- for favor when we are working with those who may not agree with all that we are trying to accomplish.
- for the necessary finances to become available for each team member and for the various projects and ministries.

Join us in Providing Support! Please consider either donating to a team that is currently raising funds for their trip, toward one of our ongoing ministries or projects in Ethiopia, or sponsoring a child or volunteer. Please visit our donations page for suggestions of ways you can help!
Download the Little is Much Ministries of Maine Short Term Ministry Trip Handbook here.
Looking for just the packing list? Here you go!