About Us

We are very excited to introduce ourselves to you today and share some of the things God has been doing. We are Ken, Jen, Caleb, Lincoln, Bethlehem, Ellissa, Lydia, Yosef, and Fiona Worster. We live in Central Maine and are members of Bradford Baptist Church.
In 2004 God touched our hearts with the desire to adopt from Ethiopia and we began the process to bring our two sons home. At that time we had no idea how much our lives would change, or how much our hearts would become a part of the beautiful country of Ethiopia.
Years later we were called to adopt again, and in 2010 we traveled to Ethiopia to bring home two daughters. This trip included a visit to an orphanage that was run by Covenant Church of Addis Ababa. Here we met the precious children being ministered to by our wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. It was truly a blessing and a day we will never forget.
We returned home and started adjusting to life as a family of six, but we were homesick for Ethiopia. God kept the people we met and the places we visited fresh in our minds and in our hearts. Two years later we were blessed to have the director of the orphanages visit us. Her burden for these children is contagious. God stirred our hearts and we knew that we must act. Our first step was to begin the process to adopt two children whom we had met on our visit to Covenant Orphanage in 2010. The second thing that God has called us to do is to come along side our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia and assist them in their ministries.
In the fall of 2014 we went to church on a plain Sunday morning in November, unsuspecting of how God was about to touch our hearts. Just before the sermon our pastor had the congregation sing the hymn “Little is Much When God is in It”. As we sang “Does the place you’re called to labor seem so small and little known? It is great if God is in it, and He’ll not forget His own. Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame; There’s a crown, and you can win it, If you go in Jesus’ name,” And just like that Little is Much Ministries of Maine was born.
The following February Jen made a solo trip to Ethiopia on a fact finding mission and to set up our plans with our partners there. This was a wonderful time of connecting with our partners and making plans. When Jen returned home she quickly began planning her next trip, this time with her first team of four. The team traveled in May of 2015 and had a wonderful trip. Upon returning home Jen began feeling sick, but she and Ken were overjoyed to discover that it was because she was pregnant with their seventh, and only biological, child.
Jen’s pregnancy necessitated putting all travel plans to Ethiopia on hold until their daughter, Fiona, turned one. They focused on building up their fundraising efforts in the US, planning speaking commitments, and working with teams that would travel in 2017 and 2018.
Little Is Much is now fully back to traveling to Ethiopia and working with teams to plan their projects and trips.
As always, our ministries in Ethiopia include helping our brothers and sisters in Christ, evangelizing the lost, and sharing the beauty Ethiopia with others.